The Islamic Speakers Bureau of Albany (ISB Albany), New York is a non-profit, non-political, educational organization.

The purpose of the ISB Albany is to provide accurate and objective information about Islam and Muslims in a non-proselytizing manner.

We present tailored educational programs delivered by informed Muslims to the following types of institutions:

  • Academic
  • Medical
  • Faith-based
  • Community-based
  • Law Enforcement
  • Corporate
  • Civic
  • Media

If you would like to have a speaker or speakers come to your school, office, church, synagogue, department, or similar, please contact us.


Provide tailored information about Muslims as it relates to the needs of the public institutions.

Teach about Islamic beliefs and practices in an accurate and informative way.

Correct misinformation about Islam presented by public institutions, such as social studies textbooks.

Foster a sustainable relationship between public institutions and the local Muslim community.

Guiding Principles

ISB Albany’s programs are based on the following principles:

  • We are educators and a bridge between Islam and Americans of other faiths.
  • We emphasize local activism and the importance of building honest, intimate, and long-term relationships as an effective process for clarifying the global Muslim community.
  • We stress face-to-face interaction, giving a human face to theoretical or what may be perceived as foreign practices, which is the most powerful tool in overcoming stereotypes and prejudices.
  • Our educational programs meet the needs of public institutions as well as meeting the needs of Muslims.
  • We work towards being a trusted source of information on Islam.
  • We focus on proactive activity, which means we initiate instead of react.
  • We interact with people based on belief in their innate nature as decent and honorable human beings.

Target Audiences

The ISB Albany has developed a set of tailored educational programs for various audiences. These audiences are detailed below.


ISB Albany’s goal in working with schools is to give a human face to Islam. Our strategy is to educate through face-to-face interactions between Muslims and school children and teachers.

At a teacher’s invitation, speakers will give a presentation, which combines a formal PowerPoint presentation with an informal interaction with the students.

We cover a variety of topics such as Islamic beliefs and practices, and how they relate to everyday life in America, the Muslim population around the world, including America, and Islamic holidays and celebrations.

Presentations are offered throughout the school year at the teacher’s request, and they run for about 40-90 minutes depending on the time available.

Thousands of teachers and students have found ISB presentations both educational and highly enjoyable. The following are some highlights of the benefits gained by students and teachers:

  • Muslim speakers “bring to life” information found in textbooks as well as share real-life experiences. Many students are surprised to learn that American Muslims play basketball, eat hamburgers, and go to movies, just like other Americans.
  • Presentations provide an enjoyable and interactive experience for students where they can ask questions freely.
  • Most importantly, the opportunity builds bridges between people of different faiths and backgrounds, nurturing goodwill & mutual respect.

At a teacher’s invitation, speakers will give a presentation, which combines a formal PowerPoint presentation with an informal interaction with the students.

Civic & Community-based

The Islamic Speakers Bureau recognizes the array of civic and community organizations that exist throughout the Capital District. Whether these organizations are special-interest groups, social groups, or even athletic groups, ISB Albany offers its resources for the educational benefit of each organization. Our trained speakers, who come from various ethnic and professional backgrounds, offer dynamic and concise presentations. Following a nation-wide established outline, the volunteer speakers introduce the community to different topics within Islam.

The Media

The Islamic Speakers Bureau of Albany is happy to present information to media officials and representatives, including presenting information on the Muslim world, how to properly reference the Qur’an and other Muslim religious texts in news articles, and can respond to other needs and requests from media outlets.

Law Enforcement

Some members of the ISB Albany have been certified by the US Department of Justice Community Relations Service to present a seminar to law enforcement officials on Arab and Muslim Cultural Awareness. If you are with a law enforcement agency and would like more information or to request a speaker, please feel free to contact us to arrange a training.


A number of the ISB Albany affiliated speakers are doctors and other medical professionals. They are available to present information on Islam in the context of working and interacting with both Muslim doctors and patients, and can help improve your medical professional’s understanding of the particular needs of Muslims.


Our society’s multiculturalism has diversified much of today’s workforce. Diversity can be a positive dimension that expands and enriches the workplace environment, or it can lead to increased misunderstanding, conflict, and decreased productivity.

One way to prevent possible misunderstanding or discrimination on the job, while improving the working relationship and productivity of multi-ethnic and culturally diverse employees is through education. Education about the unfamiliar or the unknown is the first step towards greater understanding and tolerance.


The Islamic Speakers Bureau aims to promote and strengthen interfaith dialogue by offering introductory lectures on Islam at various religious institutions within the Albany Capital District.

This activity not only reinforces the common beliefs of different faiths but also helps people of different religious denominations understand the beliefs and practices of their Muslim neighbors, colleagues, classmates, and friends.

Islam has a clear track record of tolerant relations with other faiths. From its earliest days in seventh century Arabia, Islam co-existed with a multitude of diverse beliefs ranging from idolatry and mysticism to Christianity and Judaism. The Islamic Speakers Bureau hopes to continue this trend of tolerance and understanding by sharing information about the basic tenets of our faith with your religious community–be it at a church, synagogue, community center, or temple.

Feedback Received

Examples of real quotes from past presentations are provided below.

Thank you ISB for explaining what the Islamic religion is composed of. Please come back soon.

Schenectady High School student

I am so surprised by how similar Islam and Christianity are. Thank you for clarifying the discrepancies we hear on TV.

St. Peter’s Hospital employee

Excellent presentations by knowledgeable, concise and interesting speakers.

Shaker High School teacher

This will help us be better physicians.

Albany Medical Center physician

Top notch. Every teacher should hear this presentation.

Shaker High School teacher

Request a Speaker

If you would like to have a speaker come to your school, office, department, church, synagogue, or any such organization, please contact us at isbalbany <at>

Muslims Volunteer

Volunteerism is one of the primary drivers of ISB Albany’s success. Most of our volunteers are full-time professionals who find the time to contribute to non-profit work. If you are thinking about volunteering but unsure about how much time you can commit, we have a variety of projects for you. Your contribution will help the ISB Albany accomplish its goals through different volunteering opportunities, such as:

  • Becoming a trained speaker
  • Evaluating our programs through reviewing feedback we get on our presentations
  • Research on projects in various fields such as in media & public relations, education, grant-writing, etc.
  • Updating the design and content of our presentations
  • Assisting with our website updates
  • And more.

To volunteer, please email isbalbany <at>